Optical Color Sorting Machine

Fenix 3U Vision: The first, AT ALL

  • 4 wavelengths multispectral system as standard equipment, RGB and IR in the same 4K sensor. This innovative solution allows a completely aligned view. A real improvement detecting defects in similar colours products but with different answers to infrared as foreign bodies, inorganic defects, etc. Furthermore, it allows a considerable cost reduction compared to the market standard with the use of two different cameras.
  • High resolution multispectral cameras SWIR (1024 pixel), up to 4 wavelengths. These cameras allow unreachable results until now, recognising polymers, selecting shells and foreign bodies in dried fruits and where there are chemical differences even if not visible by human eyes.
  • Simultaneous use of RGB, SWIR and IR optical systems: up to 8 frequencies (the standard on the market for these sorters is usually not more than 4 frequencies).

  • Flat spectrum led (they reproduce the natural sunlight spectrum). State of the art full spectrum led, without low light areas typical of the standard white led. They allow to detect all the slightest colour shades.

The first 4 colour, Single Camera, Optical Sorter, It Sees more, it makes more.

The most innovative and efficient optical sorter on the market.


  • State of the art Ev, 3.2mm pitch: with custom design and specification, they can reaches top values in duration and speed. They allow practically to double the number of electrovalves in each chutes. In this way, we increase the production speed, we reduce the quantity of good product wrongly expelled (reject product more concentrated) and allow to reduce the air consumption.

  • RISE-UP system: it allows to move the ejectors close the inspection line; halved distance compared to the other sorters on the market. It reduces the errors due to the different products fall speeds.

  • Multi wavelengths led with focusing lens, it focuses the light only on the right points and it allows to reach high illumination and low consumption.

  • Automatic air pressure regulator: it regulates automatically the pressure of the machine use according to the selected product and it allows to improve the selection, reducing both the quantity of reject and the air consumption.
  • Morphological analysis of the product: it extrapolates the statistical data of the product: average width, average height, percentage of wreckage, etc.

  • System of signals equalization, in order to obtain the same results in each chutes of the machine.

  • Automatic control and equalization of the vibrators speed, in order to have flat and uniform flows in all channels.

  • Dual display 15”: all the useful information for machine monitor, always visible thanks to the two 15’’ touchscreen displays.

  • Easy programming system: the software has been developed in order to create or modify the recipes without the presence of a qualified technician.

  • Smart custom cameras with integrated elaboration and analysis system, hardware and software completely made in Italy.

  • IOT ready, completely compatible with IOT 4.0: it allows the exchange of information related to estimated throughput, estimated reject quantity, number of ejections, morphological product features, etc..

  • Ramps with silver ion treatment for a better smoothness and hygiene.

  • Integrated remote-service system in order to help you in real time, quickly and without on-site intervention costs of a technician, everywhere you are.

FENIX optical sorter is the combination result of 40 years experience in vision systems and the latest technologies, in some cases developed exclusively by 3U Vision.

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